Dispatch Editorial regarding New Gifted School – impetus for activism with OAGC

In case you missed it, here is a Dispatch Editorial regarding New Gifted School from Sat. Aug. 29.
Another kind of special need: City kids with exceptional abilities have a place to call their own

While the editorial says many good things about the Columbus program, it notes:

But when it comes to Ohio’s gifted children, state law requires only that they be identified. No services are required.

This has long been a key issue for parents and other advocates for gifted children. Thus services to gifted children end up on the chopping block every time a new budget crunch comes along. The only way to change this is through concerted collective action. It might be worth joining the Ohio Association for Gifted Children. Among resources available at their web site are the latest Advocacy Update.

You might also consider signing up for GTAdvocate (or the wider, high volume, OhioGift) listservs, to receive email updates. These are on the on the OAGC Advocacy page. (You might even want to consider joining your local O.A.G.C. affiliate – like P.A.C.E. – if you are not already a member.)

Numbers matter – both at the state and local levels.

2 thoughts on “Dispatch Editorial regarding New Gifted School – impetus for activism with OAGC

  1. I thought a certain amount of time was required at state level for the education of gifted and talented. Is that only for elementary school kids?

  2. As of a couple years ago, a certain number of hour of service were required to get credit from the state for providing service … but strangely enough, providing the service was not required.

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