Concern Over C.C.S. Changes – Wednesday March *14* P.A.C.E. meeting

UPDATE: To accommodate special guests we will need to change this meeting to WEDNESDAY March 14, at 6:30 p.m. We are also changing the location to the Columbus Downtown High School, 364 South 4th Street – room 100. (MAP)

We will have knowledgeable guests, including:

  • Toia Robinson, Supervisor of Exceptional Children
  • Dr. Gene Harris, Superintendent of Columbus City Schools

Child care will be available.

This meeting will replace the P.A.C.E. meeting previously scheduled for Monday March 12. There will not be a meeting on Monday: please spread the word on that change!

Many of you by now may have seen an article in the Columbus Dispatch – or heard through the grapevine – about some changes in Columbus City Schools involving (among others) gifted teachers. The article in the Dispatch seemed to cause confusion more than answer questions.

The officers of P.A.C.E. share your concern over any potential changes to our children’s programs. We want to know the facts, and gain assurance that everyone is doing the best they can for our gifted students, and all students in C.C.S.

Our contacts at the district have been able to provide information to answer many questions, and raise a few more. We are seeking to bring someone knowledgeable to our March 12 meeting to answer our remaining questions, as well as any others you may have. We have every reason to believe that administrators from the gifted program (and C.C.S. in general) are working in good faith, and we look forward to a constructive dialogue.

We hope to soon be able to confirm who will be our guest(s) at our P.A.C.E. meeting Monday March 12, 2012 – 6:30-8:00 p.m. (Please note that we may need to defer all or part of our planned topic of “Enrichment Options Beyond The District’s Offerings” to April.)

We are gratified to see that so many of you are interested in issues relating to gifted and talented education in the Columbus City Schools. We hope you will continue to be involved even more actively with P.A.C.E. The active involvement of as many of us as possible matters. Remember, P.A.C.E. is a Volunteer Parent Group … Though independent of school district, we have been able to work with the Columbus City Schools on behalf of our beloved children. The more of us who actively involved, the better this cooperation works. (Likewise for advocacy with the state, etc.)

We hope you will join us Monday March 12, as well as many times thereafter!