Next PACE Meeting Thursday, October 13, 2016

October PACE Meeting
Thursday, October 13, 2016, 6:30pm-8:00pm
Arts IMPACT Middle School
680 Jack Gibbs Blvd. Columbus, OH 43215

Come out and join us as we welcome, Guest Speaker:  Dr. Susan Rakow Ph.D, as her theme will be “Raising Gifted Achievers and Addressing Underachievement”


Dr. Susan Rakow is an experienced teacher and university professor and the author of  numerous articles and two books (Educating Gifted Learners in Middle School: A Practical Guide and Teaching to the Top) about gifted and talented children and adolescents.  She is a well-regarded and sought after presenter at national, state and local conferences as well as a frequent provider of professional development in differentiation of instruction and program improvement that enhance the school and life experiences of gifted individuals.  Susan formerly the program chair of the Gifted Education teacher endorsement program with Cleveland State University.  Susan currently works as a Licensed Professional Counselor who specializes in counseling of gifted children along with couples and family counseling.  As part of her training, she interned with Dr. Sylvia Rimm and the Family Achievement Clinic and provided counseling services to children and families at Menlo Park Academy for Gifted Children (k-8) in Cleveland, Ohio.

OAGC Fall Conference Early Bird Deadline Coming Up!

Ohio Association for Gifted Children Fall Conference
October 16-18, 2016 - Easton Hilton, Columbus, OH

The deadline for the OAGC Fall Conference early registration is 10/3/16.  To get the reduced rate, please fax (614-337-9286), email (to or postmark your reservations by the end of that day.  OAGC has a fantastic conference lined up, so please register soon!  The link to the registration form and all information about the conference can be found at:

Next PACE Meeting Thursday, October 13, 2016

October PACE Meeting
Thursday, October 13, 2016, 6:30pm-8:00pm
Arts IMPACT Middle School
680 Jack Gibbs Blvd. Columbus, OH 43215

Come out and join us as we welcome, Guest Speaker:  Dr. Susan Rakow Ph.D, as her theme will be “Raising Gifted Achievers and Addressing Underachievement”


Dr. Susan Rakow is an experienced teacher and university professor and the author of  numerous articles and two books (Educating Gifted Learners in Middle School: A Practical Guide and Teaching to the Top) about gifted and talented children and adolescents.  She is a well-regarded and sought after presenter at national, state and local conferences as well as a frequent provider of professional development in differentiation of instruction and program improvement that enhance the school and life experiences of gifted individuals.  Susan formerly the program chair of the Gifted Education teacher endorsement program with Cleveland State University.  Susan currently works as a Licensed Professional Counselor who specializes in counseling of gifted children along with couples and family counseling.  As part of her training, she interned with Dr. Sylvia Rimm and the Family Achievement Clinic and provided counseling services to children and families at Menlo Park Academy for Gifted Children (k-8) in Cleveland, Ohio.


May PACE Meeting

School Transitions

Thursday May 26th, 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Location: Woodward Park Middle School
5151 Karl Rd., Columbus, OH 43229

Elementary to Middle School, Middle School to High School, onto higher education, even the transitions from one year to the next, can be hard for some of our students.  Please join us at this month’s meeting for guidance in helping your students navigate these changes.  Principals, guidance counselors and gifted specialists will share their tips for making these transitions.

Reminder – it is election time at PACE.  Next year’s officers will be elected at the May meeting.  Please contact PACE at if you are interested in this opportunity.

April PACE Meeting

Gifted and Intense

Thursday April 28th, 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Location: Ridgeview Middle School
4241 Rudy Rd., Columbus, OH 43214

Dr. Colleen Boyle, Supervisor of the Columbus City Schools Gifted and Talented Division, will be speaking about understanding the intense experiences, as explained by “overexcitabilites,” of gifted children and teens.  She will share strategies for helping our students deal with these experiences.  Parent Christina McMenemy will be joining us to share her experiences in parenting gifted and twice-exceptional students.

Next meeting, May 26th: “Transition Meeting – Elementary to Middle School, Middle to High School, High to College”

PACE T-Shirt and February PACE Meeting




Interested in wearing your support for PACE on your sleeve?  Order a PACE t-shirt so we can spread the word about how we:

  • Support gifted children and their families.
  • Advocate to see that needs of gifted children are met.
  • Work with Columbus City Schools to advocate for and develop programs for children gifted in academics, cognitive ability, creativity, and the visual and performing arts.

Shirts are $10 each.  For order info, send a message to or order one personally at the . . .

Parents Supporting Parents

Thursday February 25th, 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Location: John Burroughs Elementary School
551 S. Richardson Ave, Columbus, OH 43204
Main Entrance – East Side

Come hear parents discuss raising their gifted children.  This meeting is all about parents coming together as a community to help support their gifted kids.  Share your ideas, triumphs, even your disasters, with the group.  Learn more about dealing with emotional needs, educational needs, advocating for your child, anything that other parents can share about raising a gifted child.

January PACE Meeting

Summer Enrichment Programs

Thursday January 21st from 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Columbus Alternative High School
2632 McGuffey Rd, Columbus, OH 43211

Thinking about ways to keep your child engaged over the summer months?  We have reached out to these organizations to invite them to provide information on the summer opportunities they provide: The Support for Talented Students, OAGC (Ohio Association for Gifted Children), OWJL Camp (for middles schoolers at Ohio Wesleyan University), Direct Martin Essex School for the Gifted Summer Program at Otterbein College, Columbus College of Art and Design, COSI, The Columbus Zoo, Ohio Center for Law Related Education, TINKER: Columbus, CATCO Performing Arts Theater, Thurber House, The Ohio State University.

Scholarships Available!

Looking for a way to make those summer programs possible? Support for Talented Students provides scholarships for summer enrichment programs for gifted and talented Central Ohio students currently in grades 3-11 whose families could not otherwise afford the costs

Summer Opportunity Links

Columbus City Schools Gifted and Talented Department keeps a list of some summer enrichment opportunities.

January P.A.C.E. Meeting

Mark your calendars for the January P.A.C.E. Meeting:

Thursday, January 21st from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Columbus Alternative High School
2632 McGuffey Road, Columbus, OH 43211
January Meeting Discussion: Summer Enrichment Programs
We have reached out to these organizations to invite them to speak to summer opportunities they provide:
1. The Support for Talented Students
2. OAGC (Ohio Association for Gifted Children)
3. O WJL Camp (for middles choolers at Ohio Wesleyan University)
4. Direct Martin Essex School for the Gifted Summer Program at Otterbein College
5. Columbus College of Art and Design
7. The Columbus Zoo
8. Ohio Center for Law Related Education
9. TINKER: Columbus
10. CATCO Performing Arts Theater
11. Thurber House
12. The Ohio State University

More information will be posted as it becomes available.

Hope to see everyone at the January Meeting!